Texas Car and Motorcycle Accidents

Not to anyone’s surprise, the most popular form of transportation in the United States is automobile. Given this fact, the number of car and motorcycle accidents is constantly elevating. Each year, more than six million car accidents are reported in the U.S. alone. Someone is killed every 12 minutes and injured every 14 seconds due to auto accidents. And the statistics don’t stop here: approximately two million of those injured in car accidents suffer permanent injuries. Each and every one of us is likely to have felt the effects of these unfortunate events, whether personally or indirectly. Motorcycle accidents statistics aren’t any more comforting. In 2008, approximately 98,000 bikers were injured. Fifty-three hundred bikers were killed, and 60% of those killed were not wearing a helmet; even though helmets are proven to be almost 40% effective in preventing fatal injuries in motorcycle accidents.

In 2008, Texas was the site of almost 3.5 thousand of these fatal accidents; a majority of them being in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area. The Dallas/ Fort Worth population is rapidly growing; therefore, the risk of a car or motorcycle accident is increasing at startling rates. Legal guidance should be promptly obtained in the event that you or a family member is involved in an auto accident. In the unfortunate instance that someone is injured or killed in an accident involving a car or motorcycle, you can contact one of many Dallas car accident lawyers to discuss your rights. You may be justified in filing a personal injury suit to cover injuries or even emotional damages as a result of the accident. It is also important to keep in mind that driver error isn’t the only cause of accidents. Car manufacturers may share in the liability if safety features and defective parts lead to tragic outcomes. Talking to a Dallas personal injury attorney will help you understand which courses of action are best suited for your situation, well-being, and peace of mind. Together we can all do our part in helping to avoid auto accidents, injuries and serious legalities. Here are a few tips:

Obey the driving signs
Do not drink and drive
Do not text and drive (Phone calls should be on a hands-free device)
Regularly service your vehicle
Wear your seatbelt (Helmet, if on a motorcycle)
Always keep a safe distance behind other vehicles
Only drive if you have auto insurance
Do not speed or participate in reckless driving

Although there are endless precautions we can all take to help prevent automobile collisions, the reality is that accidents do happen much too frequently. By knowing your rights should a situation arise, you are protecting yourself and your family from the long term effects that could occur after an automobile accident.

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